Sunday, September 11, 2016

Coast Recap

Over the past few days, I've spent some time at the coast with my family. 

We headed down to Seaside, which is about an hour away from my home in Portland, Oregon. The house we stayed at was called the "Sandollar Cottage," and for a good reason! 

The cottage was surrounded by several other rental homes and then lead down to a narrow road that connected itself to a long, smooth sidewalk where you could view the other homes and hotels on one side, and the salty beach on the other.

Of course that called for a narcassiric photoshoot that incorporated my brother's skateboard (since I was wearing another baseball cap that day. Look at me go!).

Thanks to my main (and sometimes unwilling) photographer, Elizabeth, for taking these sick shots. 

The next morning my mama and I collected a handful of sand dollars before we headed to a museum to learn more about the history of Seaside.

This was a piano that you could play by pumping the pedals at the bottom. So much harder than it looks, and it's quite the workout!

We came to Seaside at the perfect time! They were having a vintage car show downtown and I wanted all of them.

Flashback Malt Shoppe was so cute. They served so many banana splits, milkshakes, and had just about every soda bottle you could imagine. The perfect end to my trip. 

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